A high-energy team game where players use swimming noodles to hit a wiffle ball into their team’s goal, creating fun and chaos.


  • 12+ Players 👥
  • 5-10 Minutes ⏱️

What You’ll Need

  • 1 Pool Noodle per team (preferably 2 colors to distinguish between teams, cut noodle in half down the length)
  • 1 Chair per person
  • 1 Goal per team (using a table laid sideways or something else)
  • 3 Wiffle Balls (only play with 1 but have extras for when they break)


  • Set up a row of chairs facing each other with two end goals using tables flipped over on their sides.
  • Sit contestants across from each other, ensuring that teammates sit every other seat, creating alternating team members.

How to Play

  • Arrange Seating: Sit the contestants across from each other, ensuring that teammates are seated every other seat to create alternating team members.
  • Start the Game: On the signal, toss in the wiffle ball and have players use the swimming noodles to hit the ball towards their goal.
  • Scoring: When a team scores a goal, one set of players gets up and moves to the other end, while everyone else shifts down one seat. This ensures variety and movement.
  • End the Game: The game ends after a predetermined time or when one team reaches a set number of goals.

Say Something Like
"Get ready for some fun! On my signal, start hitting the ball towards your goal with your noodle. If the ball breaks, we have extras ready to keep the game going. First team to score the most goals wins!"


  • Kickball Variation: Instead of using swimming noodles, players can use their feet to kick a kickball towards their goal.

Teaching Points
This game will get players thinking about teamwork and coordination. Use this game to show players the importance of working together and strategic play.

Feel free to comment any ideas or modifications!

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