A fun and dynamic elimination game where players try to pass a ball between each other's legs, aiming to be the last person standing in the circle.


  • 4+ Players 👥
  • 5+ Minutes ⏱️

What You’ll Need


  • Form a circle with all players standing with their legs spread and feet connected to the player next to them.

How to Play

  • Start the Game: Players form a circle, standing with their legs spread and feet touching their neighbors’ feet.
  • Objective: Players try to eliminate others by passing the ball between their legs. If the ball goes through a player's legs and leaves the circle, that player is eliminated.
  • Compression: As players are eliminated, the circle compresses, and remaining players continue the game.
  • Final Round: The game continues until only two players are left, trying to knock the ball between the legs of the opposing player. Have the final two players stand at arms length across from each other for their round.
  • Winning the Game: The last player standing wins the game.

Say Something Like "Get ready for some fun! Form a circle and connect your feet with your neighbors. The goal is to pass the ball between the legs of other players. If it goes through and out, you're out! Let's see who the last one standing is!"


  • Reverse Circle: Instead of standing, players can sit down and try to pass the ball using only their hands.
  • Multiple Balls: Use more than one ball to increase the challenge and speed of the game.

Teaching Points This game will get players thinking about strategy and agility. Use this game to show players the importance of quick thinking and coordination.

Feel free to comment any ideas or modifications!

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