A fast-paced game where players try to land ping pong balls into a cup at the end of a table. Perfect for quick, competitive fun!

What You’ll Need


  • Tape one cup so that it's hanging off the end of a table.

How to Play

  • Prepare Players: Give each player a cup with 6 ping pong balls inside.
  • Objective: Roll the balls across the table and be the first person to land it in the cup at the other end.
  • Start the Game: Say something like: “Time starts when I say, ‘Go.’”
  • End the Game: The game ends when the first player lands a ping pong ball in the cup.

Say Something Like
"Get ready to roll! The first one to land a ball in the hanging cup wins! Time starts when I say, 'Go!'"


  • Up-Front Team Face-Off: Split the group into teams. Teams send one player up at a time to face-off against the opposing team(s). Award a point to the first player/team to land the ball in the cup. The team with the most points at the end wins.
  • Highest Score: Everyone plays and keeps track of their own points. The winner is the player with the most points.
  • Last One Standing Wins: Everyone starts standing up. Players sit down as they guess incorrectly and are eliminated—last one standing wins.

Teaching Points
This game will get players thinking about focus and precision. Use this game to show players the importance of patience and steady hands.

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