A quick and exciting game where players roll balls down a noodle and try to land them in a bucket. Perfect for testing precision and coordination.


  • 2+ Players 👥
  • 30 Seconds ⏱️

What You’ll Need


  • Use a chair to hold up one end of the noodle.
  • Place the bucket, trashcan, or bowl at the other end of the noodle.

How to Play

  • Prepare Players: Position the chair to hold one end of the noodle and have players hold the other end themselves.
  • Start the Game: At the signal, players roll the ball down the noodle, aiming to land it in the bucket at the end.
  • Winning the Game: The player that lands the most balls in their bucket within 3 minutes wins.

Say Something Like "On your mark, get set, roll! Aim carefully and try to land as many balls in the bucket as you can. The player with the most balls in the bucket at the end wins!"


  • Relay Race: This game can be played as a relay race with unlimited teams and players. Each player takes a turn rolling the ball down the noodle and then passes it to the next player.
  • Head-to-Head: Players can compete one-on-one multiple times to see who can land the most balls in the bucket.

Teaching Points This game will get players thinking about precision and coordination. Use this game to show players the importance of focus and controlled movements.

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